
Cinkali byste znovu klíčema?

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

16. února 2013 byla podpora ODS Podle průzkumů veřejného mínění vládě důvěřuje osm procent lidí, ODS třináct a Petru Nečasovi dvanáct.

sdfg (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

Slítávající se dravci pro kořist do prahy jako SEKYRA např. nebo podnikatel v automatech Valenta, pak jsou ti, kteří taktně mlčí na Zemana, ačkoliv jim také není po chuťi a tím nahrávají smýšlení, že Zeman je miliardářský oblíbenec.Vůbec ne. Vlády Petra Nečase a Toplánka zmrvili český právní řád vydání Nového občanského zákoníku, který l..vili deset let s konečnou podporou své vlády touto (Podle průzkumů veřejného mínění vládě důvěřuje osm procent lidí, ODS třináct a Petru Nečasovi dvanáct. Co těm číslům říkáte? ).
PROTO NYNÍ všichni kterým ten zákoník vyhovuje řvou proti Zemanovi, který je lidový.

NávštěvníkM.K. (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

Průměrmá podlahová výměra dokončovaných nových bytů 65 městských a 80 venkovských (2000-2006).
Nové byty se v roce 200 dokončují a stavějí čím dál menší.
9. 1. 2020 — Za poslední tři roky se však v pražských novostavbách zmenšily i průměrné plochy bytů 2+kk (z 59 na 54 m²) a 3+kk (z 87 na 83 m²).

Nové byty od ledna "narostly". Dvě třetiny developerů si toho však v katalozích nevšimly. Podle nového občanského zákoníku se do plochy bytu už nepočítá jen obytná plocha, ale takzvaně podlahová. Do ní se přičítá i sklep, komín i schovaný prostor stoupaček, půdorys zdí nebo pilířů. Výměra bytu tak může narůst i o desetinu(24. dubna 2014 ).
Největším developerem je SEKYRA(a na sekyru-úvěrem).

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

Praha je bažina a kolbiště. Z Prahy není úniku, kdo se neuteče včas do okolí a zůstane zde, je jak v bažině a jeho naděje na přežití bez další byť rekreační nemovitosti vzhedem k cenám nájmů je mizivá, zvláště s výhledem na valorizaci důchodů, pokud se dostane k vládě pravice. Z toho dle ekonoma Kovandy opravdu nezaplatí v produktivním věku hypotéku z průměrného platu a logicky si vyvozuji, že v důchodu neutáhnou už ani čistý nájem s režií a jídlem.
Kdo sem přispává a je mimopražská, může se ekonomicky zaradovat. Výměra plochy nových bytů stavěných v Praze se opět řídí kapitalistickým duchem protestantské morálky utržit co nejvíce. Tudíž sekají byty s výměrou.

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 19:04)

Praha je prostě místo, kde zuří válka a sjíždějí se sem odpočatí dravci ze všech koutů republiky aby zde vydělali peníze a odvezli si kořist do svých dravčích hnízd.

6.4. (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

Chceš asi investovat do budoucnosti,co.

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 19:04)

Dnes nejsou vyjímkou děti, kteří na různých technopárty konzumují drogy třeba od 12 let. A dnes ve 30 letech jsou neléčenými feťáky s pivní samoléčnou , kteří se patrně opět vrátí k drogám svého mládí, které každý mladistvý uživatel, na kterého jsou reklamy např. s hercem drsoňem v ruce s nejmenovaným pulitrem europivovaru, působí na mladé a mladistvé.

HoleKapitalistů (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 19:04)

Zpátky do budoucnosti světlých zítřků.To je tedy nádhera. Tak mi měli krásnou kulturu, ke se chodilo v klidu na pivo, dávalo se pozor, aby to nekonzumovala mládež a to v žádném případě (ani v tom, že jim to všem koupí čerstvě osumnáctiletý pro celou partu).VÝSLEDJEM je, že pak chytne návyk a musí z existenčních krutých důvodů nekompromisní hole přímého výběru a konkurenčního prostředí volného trhu a jeho neviditelné hole přejít na antidepresiva viz.
PŘÍBALOVÝ LETÁK EXCERPT:Mirtazapin se nemá používat u dětí a dospívajících do 18 let věku. Sebevražedné chování (pokus o sebevraždu a sebevražedné myšlenky) a hostilita (převážně agresivita, opoziční chování a hněv) byly v klinických studiích mnohem častěji pozorovány u dětí a dospívajících léčených antidepresivy v porovnání s těmi, kteří byli léčeni placebem.

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 19:04)

Vyndejte konečně hlavu z americké p.dele na světlo a pravdu bóží. USA je dobrá toliko pro TOP 09% lidí.To je také název jedné strany co se v současné době uchyluje z obavy o nezvlolení do koalice s komickým názvem SPOLU!

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 19:04)

Zdravý životní styl nám sem proudí z Amériky. AMÉRIKA, AMÉRIKA,,,,NEJLEPŠÍ JE AMÉRIKA.NEW YORK, NEW york, i love New YORK.
NO, jen debil jako je David Černý , který je feťák může všem fanaticky vnucovat něco co má sám rád.
A ja pa tom, že tam známí a slavní, fetují, dopují, perou se léky a vylepšeními vzhledu a umírají na deprese, sebevraždy, kolapsy organismu předčasně?

aladin (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 20:04)

Zdravý životní styl nám sem proudí z Amériky !!! A proto mají v Americe nejvíc rakoviny !!!

(Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 18:04)

Mirtazapin, četl jsem příbalový leták. Kromě rizika vzletu směrem měsíc, je tam vše snad od ovlivnění ledvin, močení u prostatiků, rizik sebevraždy, psychomotorický neklid. Jsem přehodnotil mírné pití piva. Patrně předejde (ovšem občasné a mírné) požívání těchto s.raček a chemikálií.

aladin (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 18:04)

"AZ-kvíz"...Instantní káva - sajrajt !!!

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

To je vidět jak jsou ti co jej navrhovali vychýlení. Jak fandí časům, kdy nám vládli jedni a druzí tvořili skupinu utlačované většiny. Je to fakt ubohé.

sdfg (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

Drahoš je typický kariérní úředník, šplhoun po židlích, před těmi samozřejmě pozor, nemají charakter, a často se právě ho snaží jako to poslední co nemají získat v rámci té moci co získali šplháním po židlích.

Schwarzenberga diskvalifikuje, že neumí pořádně česky. Co jako po nás chtěli, aby jsme spáchali charitu a zvolili si na prezidenta někoho, koho jakoby komunisti vyhnali ze země a on se nestihl udržovat v plynné češtině?To snad svědčí o tom, že nemluvil česky, o vzahu k českému národu, jehož by měl být prezidentem?

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 18:04)

I největší optimisté z tábora "zmikunda" bažící po jeho zvolení zcela museli rezignovat, když došlo na nejhorší. Zpěv státní hymny. "Ktéé....tomof hůj, thomof új,voda šu..hů čí po ...činách, bory ůůůčí po skalhiných"

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

Conquest of Europe už tu jednou byl. Maurský ve Španělsku.Dnes to vypadá, že spojili síly...

O: (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

Zeman is a completely bulletproof man. No university in Moscow (like those people from PENTA), no cooperation even forced with the STB like Babiš. So this is merely a contest between the Protestant-capitalist morality of the US and the traditionalLy Euro-Catholic system." He is slowly but surely ending his mandate , which he has fulfilled unprecedentedly. He could be exhausted by now. I remember his second choice , which began with the fight right in the staff of Zeman and his supporters, who gathered for the counting of votes after The Second Round of The Second Zeman Election. There the journalists, waiting for some mistake by Zeman, said that he might still appear in a room full of cameramen (a euphemism that even cameramen are no longer able to be cameramen, but want to call themselves journalists). Just the paparazzi couldn't handle nerves and bias, which, after all, is unprofessional with a journalist who is supposed to be factual and unbiased (or at least should have been according to journalistic ethics) and provoked a duel, the truth in part by the rude behavior of the actor on the part of the supporters of the second political camp, provoking, in part, his appearance and preventing the closure of plenty, where he was a guest and was not a tenant of space for this time.So he partially caused an excess and short circuit of ex-boxer and journalist Slezák on the other side , who later paid the price and died prematurely of psychosomatically induced cardiovascular psycho-emotional stress. But "Milos" will not receive gratitude, he was totally shelled from all sides. The first line of the second term was such a buzz, and he employed this whole group of activist journalists himself, and he pulled it off without a real mistake, which would still be a real renuration. On the contrary, he made it clear to the public that the loyalist and tendentious writings of some journalists on the side of Hitler and the Nazis, who had elements of reporting but were still unusually consensual and compromised, were essentially bending their backs against foreign pressure. Miloš dug up and covered the media and the transformation of the media well, so that people realized the change. Of course, no change is painless. The era of Miloš Zeman's presidency was therefore extremely fruitful and demanding, but very valuable and beneficial to the level of citizens and the strength of their judgment and thus to democracy.Drahoš and I would ju Drahoš and I would just be a puppet in the hands of pragmatic Protestant-capitalist morality, with the admixation of Kalousek's hypocritical type of false holiday Catholicism and disproportionateness. It would be a recatolisation of the Czech Republic of the Austro-Hungarian type. Czechs are, but are already Czech Catholics, not by the Austro-Hungarians under the influence of the Austrian white-mountain nobility and its exponent Karel Sch., heir to Austrian expansionist Catholicism in the germanization of the Czech basin and Moravian margraveship, which they seized by the brutal suppression and execution of czech original nobility in 1621, and thanks to TGM and W. Wilson we already had it for 100 years for overdue and passé.
"The nobility and the Church (meaning Austro-Hungarian) were already here" as the folk truth says." It was only Austro-Hungarian internal colonialism and, after the Anschluss, German colonialism, which did not work and which Kalousek is trying to have as a pretext for the return of something like Austro-Hungarian Empire. For example, the ways in which people will be shot at and suppressed popular uprisings (genrer Alfred Windischgrätz in 1848) and send Czech free ex a wake-up callers to Brixen as exile, i.e. return bretschneiders to every pub and return the Czech Republic to the state of national revival, i.e. the effort to have a say in their own state and government and decision-making in their own be a puppet in the hands of pragmat.And Drahoš, who to join and commit and show who he will serve in the future before the presiden Drahoš and I would just be a puppet in the hands of pragmatic Protestant-capitalist morality, with the admixation of Kalousek's hypocritical type of false holiday Catholicism and disproportionateness. It would be a recatolisation of the Czech Republic of the Austro-Hungarian type. Czechs are, but are already Czech Catholics, not by the Austro-Hungarians under the influence of the Austrian white-mountain nobility and its exponent Karel Sch., heir to Austrian expansionist Catholicism in the germanization of the Czech basin and Moravian margraveship, which they seized by the brutal suppression and execution of czech original nobility in 1621, and thanks to TGM and W. Wilson we already had it for 100 years for overdue and passé.

"The nobility and the Church (meaning Austro-Hungarian) were already here" as the folk truth says." It was only Austro-Hungarian internal colonialism and, after the Anschluss, German colonialism, which did not work and which Kalousek is trying to have as a pretext for the return of something like Austro-Hungarian Empire. For example, the ways in which people will be shot at and suppressed popular uprisings (genrer Alfred Windischgrätz in 1848) and send Czech free ex a wake-up callers to Brixen as exile, i.e. return bretschneiders to every pub and return the Czech Republic to the state of national revival, i.e. the effort to have a say in their own state and government and decision-making in their own entered and took the Scout oath at about 69 years of age in 2018. The Scout is a paramilitary education organization established by The General of the First World Powel as the equivalent of Junák, Sokol, Eagle and later the counter-balance hitlerjugend, and a branch of the Woodkrafter movement, even earlier based in Britain on the thinking and books of Ernest Thompson Seton himself,d who, upon request, gave Powel's consent to "use his ideas" in a kind of franchise, based on the popularity of R.S. Seton's adventurous romantic books for prepubesced men going through gay and autosexual periods and admiration for their male leaders (ideal for intelligent pedophiles). Ernest Thompson Seton didn't know general Powel was going to build faith and military elements into it. Thus, once again, America took over something robbed from Europe, even making a pact with the creator that he could participate in scouting in America, but then tricked him into doing so, and on the basis that he was not a US citizen, she kicked him out of the organization and did it only on the basis of military religious elements of the Woodcrafter movement only as a diversion, refreshment, and attraction for the little boy. Again, the boy bought what he was not looking for, a classic American product tempting to buy some substitute tempting but only commercial. Trick the boy into raising a soldier and the dogma of religion (not known in the US scouting today) a well-heeled man. So the US is building new cadres through scouting into its industrial military complex, through morality once on a Christian basis in scouting, which later in adolescence translates into purely pragmatic and capitalist, if not all, Protestant-pragmatic-capitalist. And it will come from someone like Andrew Schapiro criticizing the head of state 20 years older, who had a completely clean and clear career and human clean record and is a freely direct democratic choice elected by the president-elect, representing the citizens of the Czech Republic. In fact, here, indirectly, Mr Shapiro has confirmed what kind of state the US really is. It is a trade conquest of the US of Europe.

O: (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

Zeman is a completely bulletproof man. No university in Moscow (like those people from PENTA), no cooperation even forced with the STB like Babiš. So this is merely a contest between the Protestant-capitalist morality of the US and the traditionalLy Euro-Catholic system." He is slowly but surely ending his mandate , which he has fulfilled unprecedentedly. He could be exhausted by now. I remember his second choice , which began with the fight right in the staff of Zeman and his supporters, who gathered for the counting of votes after The Second Round of The Second Zeman Election. There the journalists, waiting for some mistake by Zeman, said that he might still appear in a room full of cameramen (a euphemism that even cameramen are no longer able to be cameramen, but want to call themselves journalists). Just the paparazzi couldn't handle nerves and bias, which, after all, is unprofessional with a journalist who is supposed to be factual and unbiased (or at least should have been according to journalistic ethics) and provoked a duel, the truth in part by the rude behavior of the actor on the part of the supporters of the second political camp, provoking, in part, his appearance and preventing the closure of plenty, where he was a guest and was not a tenant of space for this time.So he partially caused an excess and short circuit of ex-boxer and journalist Slezák on the other side , who later paid the price and died prematurely of psychosomatically induced cardiovascular psycho-emotional stress. But "Milos" will not receive gratitude, he was totally shelled from all sides. The first line of the second term was such a buzz, and he employed this whole group of activist journalists himself, and he pulled it off without a real mistake, which would still be a real renuration. On the contrary, he made it clear to the public that the loyalist and tendentious writings of some journalists on the side of Hitler and the Nazis, who had elements of reporting but were still unusually consensual and compromised, were essentially bending their backs against foreign pressure. Miloš dug up and covered the media and the transformation of the media well, so that people realized the change. Of course, no change is painless. The era of Miloš Zeman's presidency was therefore extremely fruitful and demanding, but very valuable and beneficial to the level of citizens and the strength of their judgment and thus to democracy.Drahoš and I would ju Drahoš and I would just be a puppet in the hands of pragmatic Protestant-capitalist morality, with the admixation of Kalousek's hypocritical type of false holiday Catholicism and disproportionateness. It would be a recatolisation of the Czech Republic of the Austro-Hungarian type. Czechs are, but are already Czech Catholics, not by the Austro-Hungarians under the influence of the Austrian white-mountain nobility and its exponent Karel Sch., heir to Austrian expansionist Catholicism in the germanization of the Czech basin and Moravian margraveship, which they seized by the brutal suppression and execution of czech original nobility in 1621, and thanks to TGM and W. Wilson we already had it for 100 years for overdue and passé.
"The nobility and the Church (meaning Austro-Hungarian) were already here" as the folk truth says." It was only Austro-Hungarian internal colonialism and, after the Anschluss, German colonialism, which did not work and which Kalousek is trying to have as a pretext for the return of something like Austro-Hungarian Empire. For example, the ways in which people will be shot at and suppressed popular uprisings (genrer Alfred Windischgrätz in 1848) and send Czech free ex a wake-up callers to Brixen as exile, i.e. return bretschneiders to every pub and return the Czech Republic to the state of national revival, i.e. the effort to have a say in their own state and government and decision-making in their own be a puppet in the hands of pragmat.And Drahoš, who to join and commit and show who he will serve in the future before the presiden Drahoš and I would just be a puppet in the hands of pragmatic Protestant-capitalist morality, with the admixation of Kalousek's hypocritical type of false holiday Catholicism and disproportionateness. It would be a recatolisation of the Czech Republic of the Austro-Hungarian type. Czechs are, but are already Czech Catholics, not by the Austro-Hungarians under the influence of the Austrian white-mountain nobility and its exponent Karel Sch., heir to Austrian expansionist Catholicism in the germanization of the Czech basin and Moravian margraveship, which they seized by the brutal suppression and execution of czech original nobility in 1621, and thanks to TGM and W. Wilson we already had it for 100 years for overdue and passé.

"The nobility and the Church (meaning Austro-Hungarian) were already here" as the folk truth says." It was only Austro-Hungarian internal colonialism and, after the Anschluss, German colonialism, which did not work and which Kalousek is trying to have as a pretext for the return of something like Austro-Hungarian Empire. For example, the ways in which people will be shot at and suppressed popular uprisings (genrer Alfred Windischgrätz in 1848) and send Czech free ex a wake-up callers to Brixen as exile, i.e. return bretschneiders to every pub and return the Czech Republic to the state of national revival, i.e. the effort to have a say in their own state and government and decision-making in their own entered and took the Scout oath at about 69 years of age in 2018. The Scout is a paramilitary education organization established by The General of the First World Powel as the equivalent of Junák, Sokol, Eagle and later the counter-balance hitlerjugend, and a branch of the Woodkrafter movement, even earlier based in Britain on the thinking and books of Ernest Thompson Seton himself,d who, upon request, gave Powel's consent to "use his ideas" in a kind of franchise, based on the popularity of R.S. Seton's adventurous romantic books for prepubesced men going through gay and autosexual periods and admiration for their male leaders (ideal for intelligent pedophiles). Ernest Thompson Seton didn't know general Powel was going to build faith and military elements into it. Thus, once again, America took over something robbed from Europe, even making a pact with the creator that he could participate in scouting in America, but then tricked him into doing so, and on the basis that he was not a US citizen, she kicked him out of the organization and did it only on the basis of military religious elements of the Woodcrafter movement only as a diversion, refreshment, and attraction for the little boy. Again, the boy bought what he was not looking for, a classic American product tempting to buy some substitute tempting but only commercial. Trick the boy into raising a soldier and the dogma of religion (not known in the US scouting today) a well-heeled man. So the US is building new cadres through scouting into its industrial military complex, through morality once on a Christian basis in scouting, which later in adolescence translates into purely pragmatic and capitalist, if not all, Protestant-pragmatic-capitalist. And it will come from someone like Andrew Schapiro criticizing the head of state 20 years older, who had a completely clean and clear career and human clean record and is a freely direct democratic choice elected by the president-elect, representing the citizens of the Czech Republic. In fact, here, indirectly, Mr Shapiro has confirmed what kind of state the US really is. It is a trade conquest of the US of Europe.

Návštěvník (Út, 6. 4. 2021 - 17:04)

Zeman is a completely bulletproof man. No university in Moscow (like those people from PENTA), no cooperation even forced with the STB like Babiš. So this is merely a contest between the Protestant-capitalist morality of the US and the traditionalLy Euro-Catholic system." He is slowly but surely ending his mandate , which he has fulfilled unprecedentedly. He could be exhausted by now. I remember his second choice , which began with the fight right in the staff of Zeman and his supporters, who gathered for the counting of votes after The Second Round of The Second Zeman Election. There the journalists, waiting for some mistake by Zeman, said that he might still appear in a room full of cameramen (a euphemism that even cameramen are no longer able to be cameramen, but want to call themselves journalists). Just the paparazzi couldn't handle nerves and bias, which, after all, is unprofessional with a journalist who is supposed to be factual and unbiased (or at least should have been according to journalistic ethics) and provoked a duel, the truth in part by the rude behavior of the actor on the part of the supporters of the second political camp, provoking, in part, his appearance and preventing the closure of plenty, where he was a guest and was not a tenant of space for this time.So he partially caused an excess and short circuit of ex-boxer and journalist Slezák on the other side , who later paid the price and died prematurely of psychosomatically induced cardiovascular psycho-emotional stress. But "Milos" will not receive gratitude, he was totally shelled from all sides. The first line of the second term was such a buzz, and he employed this whole group of activist journalists himself, and he pulled it off without a real mistake, which would still be a real renuration. On the contrary, he made it clear to the public that the loyalist and tendentious writings of some journalists on the side of Hitler and the Nazis, who had elements of reporting but were still unusually consensual and compromised, were essentially bending their backs against foreign pressure. Miloš dug up and covered the media and the transformation of the media well, so that people realized the change. Of course, no change is painless. The era of Miloš Zeman's presidency was therefore extremely fruitful and demanding, but very valuable and beneficial to the level of citizens and the strength of their judgment and thus to democracy. Instead, he offers to give it to Schwarzenberg or Drahoš... (in the first case, sentimentally restore the neo-Habsburg monarchy with the US as a neo-Habsburg, in the case of Drahoš, without the inter-member of the foreign Habsburg white-mountain nobility, to be the "vassal of science" of the US as the leading state in science). But everyone knows that a country like the Czech Republic is not and will never achieve in science the same as the superstate and the world power of the USA, it is so logged into the defect of the ant with the Elephant, voluntarily and honestly as Mirek Drahoš Dušen ! That he was a Boy Scout?! (something intimately human and familiar is the way zeman is criticized by the playwright Kohout, who so fieryly and zealously supported communism at the beginning, and then turned around and criticized him no less fieryly at the writers' union congress in 1967). And now he's criticizing Zeman. And Drahoš, who to join and commit and show who he will serve in the future before the presiden Drahoš and I would just be a puppet in the hands of pragmatic Protestant-capitalist morality, with the admixation of Kalousek's hypocritical type of false holiday Catholicism and disproportionateness. It would be a recatolisation of the Czech Republic of the Austro-Hungarian type. Czechs are, but are already Czech Catholics, not by the Austro-Hungarians under the influence of the Austrian white-mountain nobility and its exponent Karel Sch., heir to Austrian expansionist Catholicism in the germanization of the Czech basin and Moravian margraveship, which they seized by the brutal suppression and execution of czech original nobility in 1621, and thanks to TGM and W. Wilson we already had it for 100 years for overdue and passé.
"The nobility and the Church (meaning Austro-Hungarian) were already here" as the folk truth says." It was only Austro-Hungarian internal colonialism and, after the Anschluss, German colonialism, which did not work and which Kalousek is trying to have as a pretext for the return of something like Austro-Hungarian Empire. For example, the ways in which people will be shot at and suppressed popular uprisings (genrer Alfred Windischgrätz in 1848) and send Czech free ex a wake-up callers to Brixen as exile, i.e. return bretschneiders to every pub and return the Czech Republic to the state of national revival, i.e. the effort to have a say in their own state and government and decision-making in their own entered and took the Scout oath at about 69 years of age in 2018. The Scout is a paramilitary education organization established by The General of the First World Powel as the equivalent of Junák, Sokol, Eagle and later the counter-balance hitlerjugend, and a branch of the Woodkrafter movement, even earlier based in Britain on the thinking and books of Ernest Thompson Seton himself, and who, upon request, gave Powel's consent to "use his ideas" in a kind of franchise, based on the popularity of R.S. Seton's adventurous romantic books for prepubesced men going through gay and autosexual periods and admiration for their male leaders (ideal for intelligent pedophiles). Ernest Thompson Seton didn't know general Powel was going to build faith and military elements into it. Thus, once again, America took over something robbed from Europe, even making a pact with the creator that he could participate in scouting in America, but then tricked him into doing so, and on the basis that he was not a US citizen, she kicked him out of the organization and did it only on the basis of military religious elements of the Woodcrafter movement only as a diversion, refreshment, and attraction for the little boy. Again, the boy bought what he was not looking for, a classic American product tempting to buy some substitute tempting but only commercial. Trick the boy into raising a soldier and the dogma of religion (not known in the US scouting today) a well-heeled man. So the US is building new cadres through scouting into its industrial military complex, through morality once on a Christian basis in scouting, which later in adolescence translates into purely pragmatic and capitalist, if not all, Protestant-pragmatic-capitalist. And it will come from someone like Andrew Schapiro criticizing the head of state 20 years older, who had a completely clean and clear career and human clean record and is a freely direct democratic choice elected by the president-elect, representing the citizens of the Czech Republic. In fact, here, indirectly, Mr Shapiro has confirmed what kind of state the US really is. It is a trade conquest of the US of Europe.


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